And with that note, I will now move onto the topic at hand. Beowulf. Not too long ago I finally picked up my personal copy of Seamus Heaney's translation of the Old English epic poem of Beowulf. I have read several translation, whether in segments and in entirety, and I find the Heaney's translation is wonderfully lyrical. The words almost roll off your tongue as you read it aloud and this creates the effect of rhythm that should come with poetry. Plus, the English Major and History lover inside of me loves the added bonus of having the original Old English translation on the opposite page. Also, on a side note, I have always been fascinated and mesmerized by the book cover. I could study the strands of hair and underclothing that you can see beyond the chainmail for hours!
Throughout my Bachelor's studies I have explored Beowulf numerous times. Each time I met up with the Geat hero I learned something new. Of course, it has been quite some time since we had these meetings. Now, thanks to a younger brother exploring the great literature in college, I am eager to make the explorations again.
I hope to rediscover the great elements of the story, including the symbolism found within, and share them with any one who cares to visit this blog. If had the opportunity to delve even deeper I would love to expand on what I have already learn, and see what other great authors, such as J.R.R. Tolkien, wrote about this masterpiece.
Does anyone have any opinions on Beowulf? Please leave a comment. I hope that this exploration will enlighten and be, well, exciting!
1 comment:
My thought is not so much on the book as on the newish movie "Beowulf and Grendal" (I think) Filmed in Iceland (pretending to be Denmark) the movie captures some of Iceland's rugged beauty as well as offering another take on the story. It's not for the fainthearted (i.e.. my wife) but I enjoyed and recommend it. Einar
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