

Welcome to The Wielded Pen!

Welcome and thank you for visiting The Wielded Pen (WP)! This is a humble blog is dedicated to explorations of literature. Studying the great (and, perhaps, not so great) literature can take a great deal of time, especially when exploring new avenues and interpretations a passage or poem, I hope that you continue to visit WP to see what I have discovered and value to share with you all.

There are so many wonderful works of literature throughout time that await exploration and sharing as well as the moments of exploration of the writing process that can also be shared. So much, in fact, that my list of "want to do's" is continuously growing!

Though I may be slow in the process of developing this blog to my dream expectations, you can explore my other blog The Wielded Pen - Children's Corner if you are interested in Children and Teen Literature! Much more activity is happening there!

Thank you again for visiting and I hope that you come back!