
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

News in the World of Literature - Harry Potter

After years of following the our favorite wizards and witches, after all the suspense, discussion, critiques, wonderings and whatever else that has drawn us to the epic story, the final book of J.K. Rowling’s remarkable Harry Potter Series is finally on the shelves around the world!

Jumping at the chance to take a midnight run to a local Wal-Mart on another errand, I claimed my copy of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows only a few hours past midnight.

Now, before I begin my read, I wish you all happy reading and please don’t spoil it for anyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been reading it over the last week... GAH!
Loved it, drop me an e-mail, I'm dying to know what you thought about it.

Sarah D.