
Thursday, June 21, 2007

My Writings

It is amazing how you can suddenly be hit by a moment of sheer genius. It has been over a year since I truly worked on the umpteenth revision of a historical novel that I wrote all the way back in 1998. Lacking true inspiration, and not to mention time, I have been left to simply jotting down a sentence here and a paragraph there in the margins of school notebooks and on napkins.

However, I have finally overcome my plaguy writer’s block! It was just last night that I wrote the perfect opening sentence that has correlations with the title and with the second protagonist. Twelve hours later, I have rewritten the entire first chapter and am currently working on the second. I expect this revision to be the second to the last, if not the least, revision for this novel.

This is a great personal achievement, as many of my friends will know. Now, my goal is to continue writing the remainder of the summer, and hopefully finish this revision by the ten-year anniversary of this novel being first written!

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